Due Pini Pharmacy

Due Pini Pharmacy

The pharmacy is located north of Ponte Milvio in Rome, in a distinguished residential area.

Customer: Due Pini Pharmacy
Location: Rome

Products used: System 10, glass shelves on brackets, without base, metal shelves, without base and wooden (natural) panels
Solutions: Counters, info desk /cosmetics area, furniture for rear of shop (sorting, sample analysis and laboratory)

The goals of the renovation project were to:

  • Enlarge the retail space.
  • Improve the shopping experience in the retail area.
  • Offer sober, elegant aesthetics.

Cefla Shopfitting and Studio Mid (Made in Design) sought to respond to the customer's needs by perceiving the available space as a gallery. Simple and elegant, it is the 'gallery' concept itself that improves the retail experience. As customers stroll along the walkway which leads to the prescription drug counters, they encounter departments and products in a seamless, natural manner.

To highlight the skincare area - a key department featuring selected, quality products - the shop in shop concept was developed, with a department differentiated by a colour and special false ceiling but, at the same time, smoothly integrated with other areas in the outlet.

To complete the renovation process a logo and a sober, elegant communication style were developed, merging smoothly with both the setting and the design of the Due Pini pharmacy project.