

Display solutions for specialised shops or household goods/home furnishing areas in large scale retail outlets.


Cefla Retail Solutions provides modular, flexible display solutions that suit the packaging and visual merchandising features of the various household goods and furnishing categories (tableware and cutlery, mattresses, brooms, furniture, etc.).


  • Solutions for specific goods categories
  • Modularity and flexibility
  • Lighting, ambience and communication
  • Retail Design


In addition to supplying a vast range of display, ambience and communication accessories, Imola Retail Solutions is also the perfect partner for developing Retail Design projects. We provide customers with close support from the initial concept and design stage all the way to final definition of layout, ambience, communication and equipment.


Imola Retail Solutions display equipment features a pre-certified power system that allows displays to be illuminated with high performance LED lamps. Such lighting lets retailers highlight areas of particular value or customer interest.